News and Notices

Visiting doctor encourages cultural competency

More than 500 people attended presentations by Dr Lance O’Sullivan, a Northland GP and former New Zealander of the Year, during his visit to the region in April. 

Dr O’Sullivan was invited to share his knowledge and views with health professionals as part of Nelson Marlborough Health's He Huarahi Matepukupuku  (Cancer Pathways for Maori) project.

One of the goals of the project is to improve cultural competency for health professionals within Te Tau Ihu (the top of the South Island), and to improve the cultural appropriateness of healthcare services.

Dr O'Sullivan's presentation touched on many aspects of cultural competency. One participant commented that they hadn't thought about 'clinical vs cultural competency' and that 'that line can be very difficult to differentiate if you are not made aware of it.'

Other participants expressed their appreciation of Dr O'Sullivan's thinking beyond traditional methods of healthcare delivery, his solution-focused, practical style and the everyday examples of inequalities he shared.

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Watch Dr O'Sullivan's presentation.