After 5 years working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), I came to NZ in 1990 to settle; and have worked with the public and private sectors – Department of Internal Affairs, ACC, Nelson City Council where I professionally learned governance matters, being the Mayor’s PA for 15 years.
In 1992 whilst with Internal Affairs, organised the first meeting of Nelson Multi-Ethnic Council, which has now evolved to Multicultural Nelson Tasman, 27 years on. Between work and life is my community volunteering which grounds me to grass root community issues and allows me to build relations and help individuals and groups of diverse cultures, ages and gender. I joined the then Nelson Volunteer Centre in 2009.
My experience of health services has been generally positive. This is not the same for some locals, particularly for the ethnic migrants and former refugee communities that I have advocated for and supported for the past 30 years since settling in New Zealand. I will add voice and experience from a culturally diverse perspective and insight, and hopefully, improve the service and support our communities better.
I am interested in all aspects of health and well-being, particularly mental health for both youth and adults.