Screen Shot 2022 11 16 at 4.30.09 PMWhat is Ki Te Pae Ora?

Ki T
e Pae Ora - or "towards a healthy future" - is our collective journey to transform how healthcare is provided in our region - Nelson Marlborough.  Working together, valuing people’s time, achieving equity, enabling innovation, collaboration and taking a whole system perspective to drive ongoing system transformation are core drivers of the Ki Te Pae Ora approach.  

Every member of the healthcare sector has a role to play, the opportunity to drive improvement and the right to take pride in these achievements.  The challenge is for all of us to consider how we can actively contribute. 

The Ki Te Pae Ora approach was founded in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  While there were many significant challenges the healthcare system faced during the pandemic, we witnessed the rapid adoption of many new ways of working, such as: 

  • a system-wide approach to responding to issues and needs e.g. CBACs, hospital preparedness and our public health responses 

  • virtual health clinics and meetings 

  • alternative ways of providing face-to-face services such as telephone triage 

  • easier access to specialist advice for health professionals 

  • a renewed focus on collaboration 

  • use of electronic care plans 

  • streaming patients to the most appropriate care 

  • working with iwi, across multiple sectors to support our homeless and vulnerable communities 

  • the quick formation of SWOOP teams to treat people in their homes. 

  • Ki TPae Ora harnesses the innovation and momentum gained through these innovations to create a better healthcare system for all. 

Who is working on Ki Te Pae Ora?

Supporting the Ki T
e Pae Ora rōpū is a dedicated project team.  

The team work alongside Iwi, community, primary and secondary sector to drive transformation within the health and community environment that will benefit people, especially those most vulnerable.

To achieve this, the Ki Te Pae Ora team support a variety of projects that will lead to changes creating a cross-functional system with the best outcomes for the people. 

What is the Ki Te Pae Ora approach? 

Raranga, or weaving of flax, is a fitting metaphor. The flax represents different strands of knowledge, resource, commitment and partnerships both in the health sector and other related sectors that need to be woven together to create a healthy future for all of our whānau and our community. 

The approach breaks down the health system into three broad areas or workstreams: 

  1. acute (unplanned) care 

  2. planned care 

  3. wellbeing and proactive programmes in the community. 

These workstreams will each need to work across many services, for example, planned care starts with self-care and then moves into community support and care before engaging with hospital services. 


The three workstreams will be supported by work in three critical (enabling) areas: 

  1. virtual health 

  2. new ways of working

  3. facilities – COVID-19 and MoC ready. 

In addition to the enabling portfolios, for consideration and prioritisation in all Ki T
e Pae Ora Projects are Māori and Vulnerable populations and Workforce.