Taking health assessments into our most vulnerable communities

This project aims to improve vulnerable people's access to health services and improve their health outcomes. This will be achieved by providing health checks within a community setting, working through appropriate cultural channels. People will then be referred to healthcare services for proactive care and support as required.

•  Early intervention through proactive health assessments will reduce the likelihood of escalating health issues.

First stage:

1.  Health assessments will be provided at ‘pop up clinics’ and via the organisations listed below


  • Te Piki Oranga, Victory Community Centre, Pasifika Community Trust and Nikau House
  • General practices that are Health Care Homes members
  • kohanga reo 
  • mental health community services.


This project aims to contribute to the Models of Care outcomes in the following ways: 

By making a significant contribution to these principles:

Vulnerable Assessments significant contribution

My making a medium contribution to these principles: 

Vulnerable Assessments medium contribution

By making a small contribution to these principles: 

Vulnerable Assessments small contribution

Read more information about the Models of Care principles 


This project will be ongoing and health assessments will be made available in additional locations as needed. 

To find out more email [email protected]