Nelson Marlborough Health Addictions Service

The Nelson Marlborough Health Addictions Service is a regional service, with facilities located in Nelson, Golden Bay and Blenheim. Our staff are committed to reducing the harm associated with addiction to individuals, family, whānau and the community.


  • screening and brief intervention for drug use problems for people admitted to Nelson or Wairau Hospital (including the Wahi Oranga mental health unit)
  • community detox
  • opioid substitution treatment (Methadone and Suboxone)
  • The Matrix methamphetamine treatment programme (outpatient programme)
  • seminars and workshops on drug use; for workplaces, schools and community groups
  • training for professionals and community workers on drug use issues
  • referrals to local support groups
  • referral to inpatient treatment facilities.

 People can refer themselves to this service. Referrals are also accepted from:

  • family, whānau and friends affected by someone else’s addiction
  • other services working with the person with addiction problems

Location, hours and contact details:


Braemar Campus (Building 3), Nelson Hospital (access from upper Franklyn St)
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays)
Phone: (03) 546 1994
Email: [email protected]
After hours emergency phone: (03) 546 1800


Hospital Road, Blenheim
Phone: (03) 520 9908
Email: [email protected]
After hours emergency phone: (03) 520 9999

View our Hospital and parking maps here.

St Marks Addiction Residential Treatment Centre - Blenheim

St Marks Addiction Residential Treatment Centre provides a residential treatment service, crisis respite care and supportive detoxification for Nelson Marlborough Health addictions clients. Referrals to St Marks are made by Nelson Marlborough Health clinicians.

Refer to their website for full service information and contact details.

Kaupapa Māori Addiction Services 

Te Piki Oranga provides a kaupapa Māori alcohol and drug assessment and treatment service in Nelson, Blenheim and Motueka.

People can refer themselves to this service. Referrals can also be from primary health care, inpatient care, community mental health teams, alcohol and other drug services.

Refer to the Te Piki Oranga website for full detail about these services and contact details.

The Matrix Methamphetamine Treatment Programme

The Matrix programme is an intensive group treatment programme for people who want to stop using methamphetamine. 

It is an outpatient programme available in Nelson.

Key things about the programme

  • It's based at the Nelson Addiction Service clinic
  • It runs for 20 weeks with two sessions each week: Tuesday 1.00pm–3.00pm and Friday 10.30am–12.30pm.
  • The sessions are organised into:
    • Early Recovery Skills
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Gender-specific Groups
    • Family/Whānau Support Groups
  • It’s for people who are using methamphetamine and who want to stop. People are encouraged to bring whānau, family or a support person with them
  • The programme aims for abstinence.

Why this programme is effective

  • People are treated with respect and understanding. There is no shaming or judgement
  • Intensive group therapy is proven to work
  • This programme was originally developed in the USA to treat cocaine, and then methamphetamine, addiction. It is still running in the USA and Australia and has now been adapted for Aotearoa, New Zealand
  • Family, whānau and support person involvement is encouraged
  • The programme includes the contribution of people who have used methamphetamine and who have had significant periods in recovery
  • The programme facilitators have extensive knowledge and experience in addiction treatment. 

How to refer someone, or yourself, to the Matrix programme

For more information, or refer someone (or yourself), please phone the Nelson Addiction Service on: (03) 546 1994.