Financial support for travel and accommodation
Sometimes patients need to be treated at a hospital in another region. This usually occurs when someone needs specialist care at a bigger hospital.
Financial support for people travelling between Nelson and Wairau hospitals
People who live in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions may be treated at either Nelson or Wairau hospital.
People who live in Marlborough may need to travel to Nelson Hospital to receive specialist care that isn't available at Wairau.
People who live in Nelson may be offered treatment at Wairau – an earlier appointment than they would be able to get at Nelson. In these cases, Nelsonians are encouraged to take up the offer of earlier treatment at the redeveloped, comfortable and modern Wairau Hospital.
People who travel between hospitals in this way, and who are Community Services Card holders, may be eligible for financial assistance for travel and accommodation.
Financial support for people travelling to a hospital in another district
The National Travel Assistance Scheme assists with costs incurred when you travel for healthcare appointments outside of the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions.
Eligible patients, their legal guardians and support people may be able to claim for the cost of private car use, public and specialised transport and accommodation.
National Travel Assistance Scheme
Am I eligible?
Determine your eligibility by using the checklist on the Ministry of Health website.
What is covered?
The Ministry of Health provides information about:
services covered
application & payment
support people
eligibility criteria
options for people who aren't eligible for assistance
newborn babies and pregnant women
policy changes
ACC's responsibilities
Visit the Ministry of Health website
How do I claim travel assistance?
The Ministry of Health provides information about:
registering for assistance
the assessment process
how to make a claim
Visit the Ministry of Health website
For more information or help
Contact the Nelson Marlborough Health Patient Travel Coordinator
Phone: (03) 546 1800
Email: [email protected]
Page last updated: 31/03/2023