News and Notices

Drive-through COVID-19 testing stations in rural Marlborough

The Marlborough Primary Health Organisation has organised temporary  'drive-through' COVID-19 stations for rural Marlborough residents this week.

The stations are in addition to the established community-based assessment centre in Blenheim. They are an opportunity to be assessed and tested for Covid-19 if you have symptoms: cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, a runny or dripping nose, temporary loss of smell or a fever. 

Havelock, Canvastown and Rai Valley: Wednesday 29 April

Havelock Pavilion car park 9 - 11.30am

Trout Hotel car park 12 midday to 2pm

Rai Valley School car park 2.30 - 3.30pm


Seddon, Ward and Kekerengu: Thursday 30 April 

Seddon Community Hall car park: 9 to 11.30am

Ward Community Hall car park 12 midday to 2pm

Kekerengu Valley Community Hall car park 2.30 - 3.30pm


Enquiries to Glenis McAlpine by email: [email protected]