News and Notices

Alert Level 1: Visitor hours return to normal

The Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions are now in COVID-19 Alert Level 1. 

This means that access to health and disability services, including rules for visitors, have returned to normal. There are no restrictions for patients, clients or visitors other than the usual COVID-19 rules:

  • do not attend your appointment or visit someone if you have cold or flu symptoms. Phone the department to discuss your options
  • scan the QR codes at hospital and other facility entrances to keep a record of your movements
  • cover coughs and sneezes. Catch them in a disposable tissue or sneeze/cough into the crook of your elbow if you do not have a tissue 

Alert Level 1 is not Alert Level 'none'. 

At this Alert Level, COVID-19 is contained - but it’s still worthwhile to keep a safe distance from people you don’t know while out and about.

Staying at home if you’re sick is especially important at Alert Level 1 because the risk of COVID-19 being spread in the community is much greater. 

Keep up good handwashing practices. 

You will now be required to wear a face covering on public transport, until further notice. Keep tracking your movements using the COVID Tracer app and turn on the app’s Bluetooth tracing function. Keep a safe distance from people you don’t know. 

Find out more about Alert Level 1 on the Unite Against COVID-19 website. 

More about face coverings and public transport
The requirement to wear face coverings on public transport applies to all of New Zealand at Alert Levels 1 and 2 from 11:59pm tonight, until further notice.

This includes long-distance bus and train journeys. Face coverings must also be worn: 

  • on domestic flights throughout New Zealand, and  
  • by Auckland taxi and ride-share drivers — while it’s not compulsory for passengers to wear them, we strongly encourage you to.