If you have received an employment offer or contract for services from us, here is some useful information:

Your offer letter will tell you which documents you need to complete before you begin your employment. These documents must be returned five days prior to your first day.

Please complete and return the following:


Photograph ID 

Please also provide a photograph (as a jpg file) of yourself for your ID badge at least five days prior to your first day. Please ensure this is a clear 'head and shoulders' photo. If you do not have a photo you wish to use, or would prefer for one to be taken, please contact HR to arrange a time and we can do this for you.


Union membership: Active choice form

Your position with us may be covered by a collective employment agreement. Refer to your offer letter for the applicable union(s) to find out if this applies to you. 

If this applies, please read the active choice form and return it if you choose to. 

Note: You are not required to complete this form. We are required, however, to notify the applicable union of your name and union preference unless you object. If you choose to complete this form, it needs to be returned within 30 days of your first day. 


Other useful information:



The LEARN e-learning platform

Ko Awatea LEARN is an online education platform available to our staff. You can access it both in the workplace and off-site.  

Some courses are mandatory for all staff to complete, such as Fire Safety.

You will be given your login details for LEARN as part of your onboarding.