Annual plans and strategies
On 1 July 2022, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora – Māori Health Authority became Aotearoa’s new national health authorities and Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (trading as Nelson Marlborough Health) as an entity was disestablished and became part of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora have their own governance structures, therefore DHB Boards and Advisory Committees ceased to operate on 30 June 2022.
Find records of previous Nelson Marlborough Health planning documents below:
The Nelson Marlborough Health annual plan outlines the key activities planned for the Nelson Marlborough health system over the coming financial year (1 July to 30 June). It also explains our strategic context and how our intended activity and outputs relate to our vision and the achievement of our long-term goals for improving the health of our community.
Before 2019, the annual plan incorporated a statement of intent (performance targets and measures) and a statement for performance expectations. From 2019, these statements are published as separate documents.
NMH annual plans
NMH statements of intent
The System Level Measures (SLMs) Framework aims to improve health outcomes for people by supporting DHBs to work in collaboration with health system partners (primary, community and hospital) using specific quality improvement measures. It provides a foundation for continuous quality improvement and system integration. For more information about SLMs, visit the Ministry of Health website.
Current SLMs
The Ministry of Health worked closely with the health sector to co-develop the SLMs, which are:
- Ambulatory Sensitive Hospitalisation (ASH) rates for 0–4 year olds (keeping children out of hospital)
- acute hospital bed days per capita (using health resources effectively)
- patient experience of care (person-centred care) – this is made up of adult inpatient and primary care patient experience surveys. Further information and reports can be found on the Health Quality & Safety Commission website.
- amenable mortality rates (prevention and early detection)
- babies living in smoke-free homes (a healthy start)
- youth access to and utilisation of youth appropriate health services (youth are healthy, safe and supported). This SLM is made up of five domains with corresponding outcomes and national health indicators.
NMH System Level Measures improvement plans
The Nelson Marlborough Māori health plan describe how to strengthens the partnership between Nelson Bays Primary Health, Marlborough Primary Health and Māori health provider Te Piki Oranga. These organisations have a collective intent to improve health disparities for Māori living in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions.
Māori health plans
The Nelson Marlborough Health Public Health Service (PHS) annual plan describes the services that the Ministry of Health (MoH) will fund the PHS to deliver.
Public Health Service plans
Health needs assessment plans offer a high-level snapshot of people in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough region. These plans are informed by data from the New Zealand Census, Ministry of Health, regional primary health organisations and Nelson Marlborough Health.
Health needs assessment plans inform a health services plan, which describes how we will provide an effective and efficient health service to meet local, regional, and national needs and reduce health disparities.
Health needs assessments and health services plans
Other plans and strategies
Page last updated: 26/02/2024