Archive: 28/06/2022

Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project

The Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project was designed to provide whanau with affordable, balanced, and easy-to-make food options when money is tight, cooking facilities are limited or in preparation...

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Final Board meeting: Thank you and farewell

"As the Board closes this chapter, we want to thank everyone who works at Nelson Marlborough Health – you are amazing. Through good times and bad you have soldiered on; we appreciate it is not always straight forward. The one thing I have always been incredibly grateful for is that everyone in health comes to work every day to make a difference. It does not matter where in the system you work, you work in health to improve the health of people and communities. Thank you for your dedication, energy, and service." ​​​​​​​

Jenny Black, Chair
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

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