News and Notices

Share your story about breastfeeding as a Maori or Pasifika woman

If you identify as Māori or Pasifika and have breastfed or chosen not to breastfeed within the last year, please join us for a confidential discussion about your experience.

There are significant differences in breastfeeding rates across ethnicities in New Zealand and we want to understand why, so we can shape the way support services are delivered in hospital and in the community.
The discussion will take about one hour and will include:

  • Reasons why you did or didn’t choose to breastfeed.
  • What you found helpful to breastfeed.
  • What you found difficult/challenging to breastfeed.
  • What improvements could be made for a better experience?
Well Child Tamariki Ora3
The Well Child Tamariki Ora programme works to improve child health outcomes, particularly breastfeeding support services. To do this we need you.

Your participation would be appreciated and valued. You will be reimbursed for your time with a $25 grocery or petrol voucher.

If you are interested, please contact Anna.foaese on 027 435 9905 or email [email protected]