Natasha Husband
Posts by Natasha Husband for News and Notices:
Updated Hospital Patient and Visitor Policies with Retirement of Traffic Light System
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Nelson Marlborough have revised our hospital visitor policies to reflect the retirement of the traffic light system.
End of the Traffic Light System – but no immediate change to Nelson Marlborough district hospital requirements
Yesterday the Prime Minister announced some important changes to the COVID-19 protection framework that see the country move into a new phase of our response.
Wear Something Red this Friday for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
Get ready to start conversations about Fetal Alchohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in September!
The ninth day of the ninth month symbolises the nine months of pregnancy, and events to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are held globally throughout the month of September.
It's Time to Screen - An Update on the National Bowel Screening Programme in Nelson Marlborough
The roll out of the National Bowel Screening Programme is complete, meaning about 835,000 eligible New Zealanders now have access to free two-yearly bowel screening. A national media campaign is about to start to remind people of the importance of taking the easy-to-complete at-home test.
Walking Festival Coming to Nelson in October - 'Step into Spring' Seeking Community Organisers
A diverse range of locally organised activities hosted by community groups, organisations and individuals will make up the festival, providing an opportunity for people to connect with each other and the environment.
Do I need antibiotics? Dr. Elizabeth Wood answers
Chair of the Clinical Governance Group, Dr. Elizabeth Wood answers the question of whether or not you need antibiotics for your winter illness: "Antibiotics do not work for viruses like flu and COVID-19 or for common side effects of winter illnesses like Sinusitis. Antibiotics are used for infections caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia."
Read more about 'Do I need antibiotics? Dr. Elizabeth Wood answers'...
Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project
The Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project was designed to provide whanau with affordable, balanced, and easy-to-make food options when money is tight, cooking facilities are limited or in preparation...
Read more about 'Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project'...
Dr Elizabeth Wood: Stay connected and informed while managing flu and cold at home
This winter will be challenging for our health and disability system and for all of us: there's likely to be a long tail of COVID-19 cases and with the border...