Give your cervix some screen time: campaign live
A nationwide “Give your cervix some screen time” campaign seeks to help women (and anyone with a cervix) feel informed, empowered and motivated to protect their body and future health through regular cervical screening.
The media campaign from the National Cervical Screening Programme features a series of videos starring a dancing cervix persona who highlights the importance of cervical screening; not only to prevent cervical cancer, but also to protect future reproductive health, whakapapa and whānau wellbeing.
The campaign was created by the Health Promotion Agency for the Ministry of Health.The campaign webpage has informational videos about what to expect when you go for a screen and why cervical screening is important.
The campaign supports the change to the cervical screening starting age, from 20 to 25, which was implemented in November 2019 and brought New Zealand in line with international best practice. More about the change to the start age for cervical screening, from 20 to 25 years can be found here.
If you have any questions about the campaign you can contact the National Cervical Screening Programme team on [email protected]