News and Notices

'Effective Feedback' event shows the importance of a growth mindset when learning in a clinical setting

In a Grand Round session titled “Participating in Effective Feedback in a Clinical Setting” students, teachers, and supervisors considered a model of feedback designed to reinforce knowledge and increase motivation.

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Left to right: Rosa Clark (Trainee Intern), Professor Lutz Beckert (Associate Dean Medical Education, Otago University Christchurch), Louise Beckingsale (Education Advisor, Otago University Christchurch), Emily Thomas (TI), Isabel Clarke (TI), and Alex Wootton (TI)

From the University of Otago Christchurch, Lutz Beckert, Associate Dean Medical Education and Louise Beckingsale, Education Adviser, led the session. Over twenty-eight students and instructors attended, representing midwifery, nursing, medical, and physio, among other health focuses. 

“We’re getting people to think about feedback in a different way, so that it is more of a conversation,” Louise says. “We want people to practice feedback that is student centred where the student is very much a part of the discussion and the focus is on what they’d like to get out of the discussion.

For Louise and Lutz, achieving this change in perspective requires those who have an interest in teaching and learning to have a ‘growth mindset.’ Having a growth mindset means we maintain a belief in our own capabilities, talents, and believe that we can change and grow through effort and action. 

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The GROW Model


To Lutz and Louise GROW Model of feedback can support a growth mindset.

“In a GROW model,” Lutz says “you set the scene, you ask the student how it went, you reflect back what actually happened and you make a few little decisions. A week later you repeat this and see where you both have gotten. It keeps a growth mindset because it is a wonderful safe space for students. Students need to be allowed to make mistakes and get appropriate, gentle, and constructive feedback to move forward.” 

According to Lutz and Louise, effective feedback is not only important for moving forward—feedback is also integral to processing information and gaining new skills.  

“Good feedback helps students restructure knowledge and motivates them to continue learning,” Louise explains. 

tools for feedback

Louise alongside a Vevox poll participants took at the end of the session, which had participants think about ideas discussed in the session that would be useful for overcoming feedback challenges.

“One can’t learn without feedback,” Lutz says. “If one doesn’t reflect then well-intentioned feedback may be heard as a major criticism and can trigger a personality crisis. So having a few tools available to deliver this very important feedback is, itself, very important.”

Of the day, Lutz reflects “I was very impressed. They said from the start, Nelson is a great place to work, it’s a friendly place. People like having students here. The engagement in this event reflects that Nelson is a great place to learn.”