Archive: 14/04/2023

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Case Confirmed in Nelson Marlborough region - 14 April 2023

The Nelson Marlborough Public Health Service was notified today of a confirmed case of pertussis. This is believed is the first confirmed case of pertussis in Te Waipounamu (South Island)...

Read more about 'Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Case Confirmed in Nelson Marlborough region - 14 April 2023'...

RN Simione Tagicakibau shares the story of his two deployments: Samoa, 2019 and Hawkes Bay, 2023

Simi explains how his experiences deploying with the Pasifika Medical Association (PACMAT) help him connect with his community in his work today

Read more about 'RN Simione Tagicakibau shares the story of his two deployments: Samoa, 2019 and Hawkes Bay, 2023'...

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