Go for a swim!
Swimming is a fantastic way to move our tinana/body and a proven tool to boost the mood. Grab your togs and head to your nearest swimming spot to refresh and reset the mind, body and soul.
Share kai
We all instinctively know this, and now science backs it up, too: the simple act of eating kai with the people we love enhances wellbeing and relieves stress. No fancy restaurants required – a simple home cooked meal made with aroha and shared with whānau and mates is all you need.
Read a book
Research has shown that reading fiction helps us develop empathy and critical thinking. Bonus: it can also be incredibly fun and make the hours fly by. Why not hit your local library and pick out a new page-turner, or dive into an old classic that’s been on your list for years?
Go for a hīkoi/wander
Te taiao/nature is both free to enjoy and absolutely priceless for our health and wellbeing. This summer, embark on a hīkoi and explore a new part of your local area, either alone or in good company. Pay attention to the beautiful surroundings and revel in the sights, smells, and sounds.
Learn a new waiata/song
Dust off your favourite instrument or crank up the tunes! By learning how to play or sing a new waiata, you’re giving your brain a good workout by improving your memory and learning skills. Have we mentioned music also does wonders for our mood and mental wellbeing?
Have a picnic
Spread out a blanket, breathe in the fresh air, soak up the sun, and enjoy some tasty kai! Whether it’s at the beach, in a local park or your own backyard, a summer picnic is sure to lift the mood.
Spot 5 different manu/birds
From the mighty kererū to the friendly pīwakawaka, Aotearoa is home to over 200 species of native manu/birds – how lucky are we! Try to spot and recognise 5 different birds on your next hīkoi. You might like to take photos or write down what you’ve observed, too.
Watch the sky change
One of the best ways to nourish our wairua/soul is to slow down and take notice of the beauty around us. Sometimes, just taking a few minutes out of a busy day to look at the sky or admire the sunset can completely transform how we feel.
Get arty!
Whether it’s colouring, painting, dabbling in photography, or something else, making art helps us become more creative, lifts our wairua/spirit, and calms our nervous system. It doesn’t matter how talented you are – your wellbeing practice will be down to a fine art.
Play a game outdoors
We know exercise is good for us, but when we mix it with a little bit of fun, the effects on our physical and mental wellbeing can be incredible! The options are endless – you could give frisbee a go, challenge a friend to a game of swing ball, play fetch with your furry friend, or anything that strikes your fancy.
Spend time barefoot
Walking barefoot is wonderfully therapeutic, so ditch the jandals and feel the whenua beneath you. Besides, nothing says summer quite like the sand between your toes or soft grass under your feet - BUT be careful to watch where you are walking in case there are any nasties on the ground.
Call an old friend
Reach out to a friend you haven’t heard from in a while - you’ll boost not just your own wellbeing, but theirs, too. This could be someone special you have lost touch with, or someone you wish you caught up with more often. A simple ‘Kei te pēhea koe?’ or ‘How are you?’ will go a long way towards brightening their day.
Visit a river, beach or hill
Spending time in te taiao/nature perks up our mood, improves our immune system, and melts the stress away. And when it comes to nature in Aotearoa, we are certainly spoilt for choice! Wherever you are, a beautiful river, beach, or hill is likely within reach, just waiting to be (re)discovered.
Connect with whānau
Humans are hard-wired for connection. It brings purpose and belonging to our lives and makes us feel happier and more secure. Whether it’s the whānau you were born into or the whānau you chose for yourself, take some time today to connect with the people you love and be fully present in their company.
Have a dance
Dancing combines two things that are guaranteed to make us feel better – physical exercise and music! If you need a little pick-me-up, busting out some moves to a boppy song is sure to do the trick.
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