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Find a range of resources, stories and tips for you and your whānau to have a safe-as summer





Key Summer Safety Reminders

Summer Safety Web general

Look after yourself and your whānau

Whether you're going to be busier than ever or taking a break over the summer period, it's important to keep up and check in with your general well-being routines.

  • Take your medication as it has been prescribed - especially any preventers that help stop flare-ups and keep you well.

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and remember water for children and pets.

  • Check in often on family, friends, and neighbours, particularly those who live alone or are at higher risk of getting very sick, such as older or disabled people.

  • Keep up to date with all vaccinations and regular health appointments, (e.g., screenings, diabetes checks) over the holidays. Reschedule appointments that are booked for when you’re away on holiday.

Take your healthcare everywhere with you

Going away from home doesn't mean going away from healthcare. There are a number of ways to stay connected to healthcare if you need it.


GP Patient Portals:

Your local doctor may be able to register you with their patient portal so you can book online appointments, order repeat prescriptions, and see your health records when you are on holiday - all from your phone


Call Healthline:

Save the Healthline number, 0800 611 116 to your phone so you've got it on hand for 24/7 free health advice.


Search Health Navigator:

Bookmark the website to search for symptoms and home remedies for common ailments.


Find nearby healthcare providers on Health Point

Bookmark the website to find local healthcare providers where you are (in New Zealand).

Summer Safety Web Sun

Remember to be SunSmart

Summertime means warmer weather, more time spent outside and more exposure to heat and the sun, so 'Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap' to protect yourself from UV radiation.

  • Protect your skin and eyes from the sun's damaging rays.

  • Choose a good sunscreen that offers both UVA and UVB protection and is SPF 50+.

  • Be sun smart; Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap. Apply sunscreen generously 20 minutes before going outside, making sure to reapply every 2 hours. Sunscreen should be immediately reapplied after contact with water and when sweating.

  • Cover your skin to avoid prolonged contact with sun rays. Opt for wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and protective loose clothing that covers highly exposed areas such as arms, legs, chest and the back.

  • Mini and travel-sized sunscreens are a great option for kids going to school or for adults on the go.

  • Check the sun protection alert time where you are each day and seek shade whenever possible. Limit exposure during peak hours of 10am-4pm when sun rays are strongest. 

  • On very hot days older people, disabled people and those who are at higher risk of getting very sick may need extra help. Check in daily to make sure they are well and can keep cool.

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and remember water for children and pets.

Click here to check the sun protection alert times where you are each day

In the event of sunburn:

  1. Avoid further sun exposure- cover up in loose protective clothing and avoid direct sunlight by staying in shaded areas or indoors.

  2. Cool the affected area- apply a cold towel on the area to relieve stinging. Alternatively, opt for a cool shower or bath, making sure to avoid harsh soaps which can further irritate the skin.

  3. Apply ‘after-sun’ treatments such as aloe vera and cooling gels that have a soothing effect to manage the irritation.

  4. Do not peel skin or pop blisters as this can lead to further irritation. Popping blisters can cause skin infections and prolong skin healing.

  5. Always remember to seek medical advice if your sunburn covers a large area, you have a high fever or you develop symptoms of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, headaches and nausea.

Summer Safety Web Mental Health

Look after your own and others' mental health

The holiday period can also be a tough time for some people, and summertime can provide some fresh ways to look after your own and others' mental health.


Go for a swim!

Swimming is a fantastic way to move our tinana/body and a proven tool to boost the mood. Grab your togs and head to your nearest swimming spot to refresh and reset the mind, body and soul.

Share kai

We all instinctively know this, and now science backs it up, too: the simple act of eating kai with the people we love enhances wellbeing and relieves stress. No fancy restaurants required – a simple home cooked meal made with aroha and shared with whānau and mates is all you need.

Read a book

Research has shown that reading fiction helps us develop empathy and critical thinking. Bonus: it can also be incredibly fun and make the hours fly by. Why not hit your local library and pick out a new page-turner, or dive into an old classic that’s been on your list for years?

Go for a hīkoi/wander

Te taiao/nature is both free to enjoy and absolutely priceless for our health and wellbeing. This summer, embark on a hīkoi and explore a new part of your local area, either alone or in good company. Pay attention to the beautiful surroundings and revel in the sights, smells, and sounds.

Learn a new waiata/song

Dust off your favourite instrument or crank up the tunes! By learning how to play or sing a new waiata, you’re giving your brain a good workout by improving your memory and learning skills. Have we mentioned music also does wonders for our mood and mental wellbeing?

Have a picnic

Spread out a blanket, breathe in the fresh air, soak up the sun, and enjoy some tasty kai! Whether it’s at the beach, in a local park or your own backyard, a summer picnic is sure to lift the mood.

Spot 5 different manu/birds

From the mighty kererū to the friendly pīwakawaka, Aotearoa is home to over 200 species of native manu/birds – how lucky are we! Try to spot and recognise 5 different birds on your next hīkoi. You might like to take photos or write down what you’ve observed, too.

Watch the sky change

One of the best ways to nourish our wairua/soul is to slow down and take notice of the beauty around us. Sometimes, just taking a few minutes out of a busy day to look at the sky or admire the sunset can completely transform how we feel.


Get arty!

Whether it’s colouring, painting, dabbling in photography, or something else, making art helps us become more creative, lifts our wairua/spirit, and calms our nervous system. It doesn’t matter how talented you are – your wellbeing practice will be down to a fine art.


Play a game outdoors

We know exercise is good for us, but when we mix it with a little bit of fun, the effects on our physical and mental wellbeing can be incredible! The options are endless – you could give frisbee a go, challenge a friend to a game of swing ball, play fetch with your furry friend, or anything that strikes your fancy.

Spend time barefoot

Walking barefoot is wonderfully therapeutic, so ditch the jandals and feel the whenua beneath you. Besides, nothing says summer quite like the sand between your toes or soft grass under your feet - BUT be careful to watch where you are walking in case there are any nasties on the ground.

Call an old friend

Reach out to a friend you haven’t heard from in a while - you’ll boost not just your own wellbeing, but theirs, too. This could be someone special you have lost touch with, or someone you wish you caught up with more often. A simple ‘Kei te pēhea koe?’ or ‘How are you?’ will go a long way towards brightening their day.

Visit a river, beach or hill

Spending time in te taiao/nature perks up our mood, improves our immune system, and melts the stress away. And when it comes to nature in Aotearoa, we are certainly spoilt for choice! Wherever you are, a beautiful river, beach, or hill is likely within reach, just waiting to be (re)discovered.

Connect with whānau

Humans are hard-wired for connection. It brings purpose and belonging to our lives and makes us feel happier and more secure. Whether it’s the whānau you were born into or the whānau you chose for yourself, take some time today to connect with the people you love and be fully present in their company.

Have a dance

Dancing combines two things that are guaranteed to make us feel better – physical exercise and music! If you need a little pick-me-up, busting out some moves to a boppy song is sure to do the trick.

Click here for additional mental health resources from All Sorts

Summer Safety Web Food Prep

Prepare and store food safely

Food safety is always important, especially in hot weather and extreme heat. Make sure that food is safe to eat and does not make people sick.


Clean, Cook, Chill

Following the 3Cs can help keep you safe from bacteria in food and reduce the chances of your family getting food poisoning:



  • Wash your hands with soap and dry well before handling, cooking, and eating food.

  • Wash chopping boards and kitchen tools in hot, soapy water and dry well after using with raw meat or seafood.

  • Use different chopping boards for raw meat, seafood, and ready-to-eat foods like salads and cheese.

  • Don’t wash chicken or raw meat. Washing will spread bacteria in your kitchen and may contaminate other food.

  • Wash your hands after handling eggs and use clean eggs free from dirt, faecal matter, and cracks.


  • Cook raw chicken, sausages, and mince patties all the way through. Check that the juices run clear and they’re not pink in the centre.

  • Cook eggs thoroughly – until the white is completely firm and the yolk begins to thicken.

  • Defrost frozen foods thoroughly or they won’t cook properly in the middle. Defrost food in your fridge or use the defrost setting in your microwave.

  • Reheat until piping hot. Warm doesn’t kill bacteria. Hot does.

  • Don’t reheat leftovers more than once.



When storing food:

  • Keep the fridge at or below 4 degrees Celsius

  • Refrigerate or freeze any leftovers within two hours. Don’t leave your boil-up, soup or casserole on the stove for long periods of time, instead pop it in a container and into the fridge.

  • Keep eggs in the fridge after purchase.

  • Refrigerate raw meat on the bottom shelf, and keep it separate from cooked or other ready-to-eat foods.

  • Eat leftovers within two days. 

Click here for more food preparation safety tips

Summer Safety Web water

Stay safe in and around water

It's great to get in, on and around the water over the summer to cool off, have fun or exercise. Whatever we're doing it's important to keep yourself and others safe.

Learn to swim

It is important you and your children are able to swim, even if you are not actively involved in water sports.

Drowning is our third-highest cause of accidental death with approximately 120 deaths each year.


Always supervise children near water

Keeping a watch on your children when they’re near water is the single most important precaution you can take - keep children both within sight and within reach.


At the beach

Understanding how waves, wind and tides affect conditions at the beach is vital to keep yourself and others safe from danger. 

Click here to find a patrolled beach near you


Recognising rips

A rip is a strong current of water running out to sea. They can be very dangerous to swimmers as they can sweep you out to sea quickly and easily.

To keep yourself safe, it is important to learn how to recognise rip currents. Typically they appear as calm patches of water with waves breaking on either side.


Other useful tips

  • Never swim alone

  • If in doubt, stay out of the water

  • Know your limits

  • Read and obey the safety signs

  • Never swim or surf when tired or cold

  • Consider other people in the sea

  • If you are in trouble, keep calm and raise your hand in the air. This is the signal to the lifeguards to say ‘I need help’.


Respect rivers

A basic understanding of rivers and a healthy respect for the power of moving water can help keep you safe.

When swimming in a river, always check for hazards (such as floating timber) up and downstream and avoid pools that run out into a stretch of rapidly moving water.

Never jump or dive into a river without being sure of what’s below the surface, to avoid spinal or head injuries.

If you get caught in the current, don’t fight it, but head downstream to a suitable landing area.


Swimming pools

Swimming pools and spa pools can be a fun way to cool off and exercise, but can also be dangerous. 

Click here for tips on staying safe around swimming pools



Click here to read an Open Letter from Water Safety NZ CEO

Summer Safety Web Hiking

Be well prepared for outdoor activities

Nelson Marlborough has endless opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, and getting outdoors. Know these top five tips to stay safe while you enjoy all our region has to offer.

1. Choose the right trip for you

Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.

2. Understand the weather

It can change fast. Check the forecast and change your plans if needed.

3. Pack warm clothes and extra food

Prepare for bad weather and an unexpected night out.

4. Share your plans and take ways to get help

Telling a trusted person your trip details and taking a distress beacon can save your life.

Leave a date and time to raise the alarm if you haven't returned. Send this information to a trusted person directly, or use the Outdoors Intentions form or Plan My Walk.

Click here to visit the Outdoor Intentions website


Click here to visit the Plan My Walk website

5. Take care of yourself and each other

Eat, drink and rest, stick with your group and make decisions together.


Click here to visit the Outdoor Saftey Code for Land Activities - AdventureSmart website


Summer Safety Web Alchohol

Take care with alcohol and drink responsibly


Our consumption of alcohol can increase during the summer months as the weather is warmer, it's easier to drink as we spend more time off work and with friends and family.

If you choose to drink, set yourself a limit – and remember, there are lots of non-alcoholic alternatives for everyone to enjoy. Have a plan for how you and your friends will get home safely, and support your friends to limit their drinking.

  1. Keep hydrated – Drink plenty of water.

  2. If drinking, know what a standard drink looks like and keep to your limit.

  3. If hosting, provide non-alcoholic options. If pouring alcohol, don’t keep topping up people’s glasses as it is hard for people to know how much they have had.

  4. If you’d like confidential advice and support to get help for yourself or someone you know, contact: Alcohol Drug Helpline: freephone 0800 787 797, text 868.

Drinking 'responsibly'

Alcohol is an intoxicating drug and can get in the way of our decision-making. We also can make mistakes when it comes to judging our own tolerance.

Reduce this risk of needing medical attention by drinking responsibly this summer, as well as in the interest of your long-term health.

Low-risk drinking advice

To reduce long-term health risks, have at least two alcohol-free days each week and drink no more than:

  • Two standard drinks a day for women

  • Three standard drinks a day for men

  • Ten standard drinks a week for women

  • 15 standard drinks a week for men

To reduce your risk of injury, do not drink more than:

  • Four standard drinks at a time for women

  • Five standard drinks at a time for men

  • Low-risk is not ‘no risk’. These limits can be a helpful guide, but all bodies are different based on:

    • your rate of drinking

    • body type or genetics

    • existing health problems

    • medication

    • sensitivity to alcohol

    • age

    • how much you’ve eaten

Click here to read more information about reducing alcohol risk on the Amohia te Wairoa website

Summer Safety Web sexual health

 Look after your sexual health

Continue to look after your sexual health over the summer months, including making sure you've got your contraception and STI protection with you if you are heading away.

General reminders:


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

What you need to know:

  • STIs affect 1 in 5 sexually active people

  • Infections like chlamydia often have no symptoms. Therefore infections can be passed on without knowing

  • Untreated, chlamydia can have long-term effects. It can be transmitted from mother to newborn child; it can cause infertility; and it can make people more susceptible to HIV infection

  • Common STIs include chlamydiagenital wartsgenital herpes and gonorrhoea.


Getting tested for STIs if you think you have put yourself at risk:

The free Te Whatu Ora sexual health services are:

281 Queen Street
Nelson 7020
Phone: (03) 546 1537
22 Queen Street
Blenheim 7201
Phone: (03) 520 9914


Sexual abuse and sexual assault

If you have been sexually assaulted or can’t remember, call the Police on 111 immediately.

Click here for additional support options


Post-exposure HIV treatment

If you are a man and have had unprotected anal intercourse with another man, consider post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV. PEP can be accessed at the hospital emergency department.

Summer Safety Web DrugsReduce harm around and with drugs

As the summer months approach, the music festival season kicks into gear. It is important to stay safe at these events. Drug checking is a harm reduction service with the potential to save lives.

Drug checking is a free service available at some festivals, and at public clinics throughout the season.

It enables people who use drugs to get a sample tested to determine the likely substance, and receive tailored advice on how to make safer decisions around their drug use.

The service is free, legal, and confidential - and is offered by Know Your Stuff NZ, NZ Drug Foundation and NZ Needle Exchange Programme.

Click here for more information on drug checking



KnowYourStuffNZ holds testing stations at events and they also provide an online ‘Pill Library'. KnowYourStuff NZ will be at Twisted Frequencies in Tākaka.

Click here to visit the Know Your Stuff NZ website


The Level offers an all-region drug checking events calendar, plus safer using information and guides to find support.

Click here to visit The Level website


New Zealand Needle Exchange Programme: harm reduction in action. Search for local needle exchange or pharmacy services.

Click here to visit the NZ Needle Exchange Programme website


Choose Well with Your Healthcare

Plan ahead for holiday closures:

Contact your GP or pharmacy well in advance to ensure your healthcare and prescription medication needs are met.


Get help straight away if you or your whānau feel sick this summer. 


CW Web 1

CW Web 2

CW Web 3

CW Web 4

CW Web 5

CW Web 6

Always open for free health advice:

For free medical advice 24/7 including public holidays like Christmas Day, call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or visit

Handy tip: Save the number to your phone and bookmark the website so you've always got them on hand.

Click here to visit

Open for minor & routine care:

Visit your local pharmacy or make an appointment to see your GP, but keep in mind they might have reduced or varied hours over the Christmas/New Year break.

For up-to-date information on opening days/times on the HealthPoint website.

Click here to visit

Always open for emergency care:

Hospitals will continue to provide critical and emergency care as they have always done over the Christmas period.

Emergency departments and after-hours clinics remain open. Some clinics may have reduced hours.

Click here for more information on after-hours clinics and hospital EDs

Key Healthcare Contact Points for Summer 2022

If you're heading away, take your healthcare contact points with you

We've made it easier for you to have one less thing to pack or remember when you head away


Download, save or screenshot this image for a handy bank of healthcare providers in our region in case you need them!


Click here to download the image

Prepare for COVID-19 this Summer

Screenshot 2022 12 15 at 8.42.27 AMREAD: Medical Officer of Health Dr Rachel Eyre: “We’ve all worked hard and want to unwind, let’s do so knowing that we are keeping ourselves and everyone else around us safe”

As COVID-19 case numbers climb again and are anticipated to peak over the festive period, it is important to be prepared and know how to keep safe while on holiday or when reconnecting with family and friends. 

Read Dr Eyre's tips for staying safe this summer

Avoiding COVID-19

Stay Informed on Latest Health Advice

It's important to stay informed on the latest health advice and recommendations. The Ministry of Health provides these latest details on the Unite Against COVID-19 site, COVID Health Hub, with a range of disability support services to access this information.

Unite Against COVID-19 Website

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 by following the latest health advice on the Unite Against COVID-19 website

Click here to visit the Unite Against COVID-19 website


COVID-19 Health Hub: 

Call 0800 358 54 53 for free COVID-19 health advice, any time, any day, even on Christmas day, or visit the COVID Health Hub. Interpreter support is available.

Click here to visit the COVID Health Hub


Disability Support:

  • A dedicated COVID-19 disability helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here to call free on 0800 11 12 13 or text 8988 for help or information about vaccines, testing, face mask exemptions, and managing COVID-19 at home. Access this helpline using the NZ Relay Service for assistance (click here for more information at

  • Get in touch for urgent help and if a support worker/carer is unavailable. A person with experience or knowledge of disability will answer your call from 8am to 8pm. After 8pm, calls are answered by a trained member of the Healthline team.

  • Disabled people can find information about COVID-19 and useful services on the Unite against COVID-19 website 

Click here to visit the Unite Against COVID-19 site for people with disabilities

Preventing Infection & Re-infection

For most people reinfection with COVID-19 is not likely to be more severe than previous infections. But you can experience different symptoms. Every time you get COVID-19, it increases your risk of getting long COVID and other medical issues.

  • Stay up to date with vaccinations

  • Limit your time spent in closed, crowded and confined places

  • Wear a well-fitting face mask when visiting healthcare services and consider wearing one when you’re in crowded indoor places

  • Consider taking a RAT before you visit older people, disabled people or those who are at higher risk of getting very sick 

  • Keep your distance from other people when you’re indoors, especially when people are shouting or singing

  • Keep the air fresh and clean when you’re inside by opening windows and doors

  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a disposable tissue and discard in the bin

  • Clean your hands regularly 

  • Clean surfaces and objects regularly, especially those that get touched a lot 

  • Keep track of where you’ve been

  • COVID-19 can spread easier indoors. Reduce your chance of getting sick by spending time outdoors, especially when in groups or when eating.

  • Turn on Bluetooth tracing for the NZ COVID Tracer app so if you or another app user near you tests positive for COVID-19, a notification will be sent directly to notify other app users who have been in close contact. This helps keep our communities safe while keeping personal information private.

Doing these things can protect you from getting or spreading other infections too.

Click here for more healthy habits to help stay safe

Gather Responsibly

Summertime and holidays mean we're more likely to gather in larger groups. This poses COVID-19 risks as we are likely to be closer to each other, sometimes in places with less ventilation and eating and drinking without a mask on. We can help reduce the risk by following some basic hygiene and ventilation guidelines.


Hosting events

  • If you or anyone in your home is sick, do not host gatherings or invite people over.

  • Encourage friends and whānau who are unwell to test for COVID-19 and stay home.

  • If you are hosting or inviting people into your home

  • Encourage guests to wash and dry their hands or to sanitise their hands when they arrive and leave. Have some hand sanitiser available for everyone to use.

    • Encourage guests to wash and dry their hands or to sanitise their hands when they arrive and leave. Have some hand sanitiser available for everyone to use.

    • Open windows or doors to provide ventilation. If the weather is fine, host your event outdoors.

    • Don’t share utensils and limit the number of people preparing, handling and serving food.


Attending events

  • Do not attend an event if you are feeling unwell; please stay at home.

  • If you begin to experience COVID-19 symptoms, go directly home or to your accommodation and test immediately.

  • Stay outdoors as much as possible when you’re with groups of people.

  • Practice good hygiene by washing or sanitising your hands regularly, when you arrive and leave an event. Sneeze or cough into your elbow.

Be COVID-Prepared

Boosters, Masks, RATs & Antivirals


Booster WebIf you have had COVID-19 and are eligible for a booster, you can get it 3 months after you tested positive.

A second booster is recommended for those at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 a minimum of 6 months after a first booster.


How to get a booster

Book an appointment online for a booster dose.

Click here to visit the Book My Vaccine website


Where to get a booster

You can get a booster dose the same way you got your previous COVID-19 vaccinations – including walk-in sites and drive-throughs.

Click here to learn more about COVID-19 boosters


Mask Web

It’s a good idea to always carry a face mask with you. They are helpful in indoor areas with poor airflow and when you are around people you do not know.

We strongly encourage masks to be worn in closed, crowded and confined spaces. Masks are mandatory to be worn in healthcare services, residential care and some other settings.

It's a good idea to wear a face mask if you are visiting people who are at greater risk of becoming seriously unwell, including older people, disabled people and immunocompromised people.


Where to get free masks

Free masks are available through participating healthcare providers, community organisations and when collecting RATs from some collection sites. Find sites that provide masks on Healthpoint

Click here to find RAT collection sites with free face masks


RATs web
Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) collection site hours may reduce over the summer period, so get ready now and have a supply of RATs for testing everyone in your whānau for COVID-19 at home or on holiday.


How to order RATs

Order RATs online through the Ministry of Health.

Click here to order RATs online

To order over the over, call 0800 222 478 (NZ Relay Service available)


Where to pick up RATs

You can pick them up from your nearest collection site.

Click here to find out where collection sites are



Antiviral Web 2

Antivirals are ONLY used to treat people who are at risk of severe illness with COVID-19. They must be started within 5 days of infection. They reduce the amount of virus in your body and may help you become less sick and stay out of the hospital.


Who is eligible for free antivirals?

Talk to your healthcare provider or visit the COVID-19 site to check your eligibility for free COVID-19 antiviral medicines.

Click here to visit the COVID-19 site


How to get antivirals 

Many pharmacies can give you free COVID-19 antivirals without a prescription, after a health check by phone.

Click here to find your nearest pharmacy that provides antivirals

COVID-19 Suspected?

If you have COVID-19 symptoms:

  • If you are unwell with symptoms and have been exposed to a COVID-19 case, stay at home and take a RAT test immediately. Do not travel or take part in events or activities

  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms and need to access primary health care, please complete a RAT first

  • Stay away from at-risk people such as disabled, immunocompromised and older people

If you test positive for COVID-19:

Tips for Travelling Away from Home:

Travelling within New Zealand?




Before you go:

  • Before you go away contact your doctor, nurse or pharmacy for any health needs and make sure you have enough prescription medication. Make sure you have enough medication for the whole trip, and a potential isolation period.

  • Take a COVID kit that contains rapid antigen tests (RATs), hand sanitiser, masks or face coverings, and your usual prescription and preventative medications.

  • If you get cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms while away from home, take a RAT test immediately. Don’t wait until you get home.

  • Check you have everything you need to stay well especially if you’re travelling into remote or rural areas where there might not be as many health services.

  • Have a plan for if you get COVID-19 while travelling away from home.


If you get COVID-19 whilst away from home:

  1. If you cannot drive home in a private or work vehicle, it is likely you will need to stay where you are for your 7-day isolation period.

  2. You may return home if you or someone with you can drive home in a private or work vehicle
  • If you are driving homing: plan how to get home safely to isolate for 7 days and prepare to make as few stops as possible, including:

    • how you would get fuel — you should only stop at a contactless petrol station

    • supplies for the journey home to reduce the number of stops you make

    • you must not use public transport or do any long-distance road travel that requires an overnight stay or inter-island travel.

Travelling Overseas?



Before you go:

  • Before you go away contact your doctor, nurse or pharmacy for any health needs and make sure you have enough prescription medication. Make sure you have enough medication for the whole trip, and a potential isolation period.

  • Take a COVID kit that contains rapid antigen tests (RATs), hand sanitiser, masks or face coverings, and your usual prescription and preventative medications.

  • If you get cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms while away from home, take a RAT test immediately. Don’t wait until you get home.

  • Check you have everything you need to stay well especially if you’re travelling into remote or rural areas where there might not be as many health services. 


It is recommended you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before travelling anywhere overseas. You may need to show proof of vaccination as a condition of entry to some destinations

Click here to book your COVID-19 vaccine

Obtain your International Travel Vaccination Certificate and understand how your vaccination status might affect your travel


Click here to download your International Travel Vaccination Certificate

Register your travel plans on SafeTravel to get sent important information following an emergency

Click here to register your travel plans on SafeTravel

Check the SafeTravel country-specific advisories for essential information about other safety and security risks while travelling overseas

Click here to see country-specific advisories

Check the border requirements to re-enter New Zealand in case they change whilst you are away

Click here to visit the Ministry of Health website for border updates

It is recommended that you take out comprehensive travel insurance

Research and continue to be informed about the border requirements for each of the destinations you are travelling to

If you get COVID-19 overseas:

  • You may have to self-isolate and remain overseas for longer than you had planned, which may have financial implications for you.

  • You will need to follow the public health guidance of that country's government